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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need shaft recommendations

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I apologize that this is a bit long, but wanted to provide as much info as possible.

I've been browsing the forums, but am having a hard time coming up with a decent shaft. This stuff is all somewhat new to me; I'm coming from old Easton aluminum and Koho Ultimate sticks...yeah, haven't played in a while! I will be playing in a laid-back adult roller league, but will be doing some Stick & Puck (and possible Drop-In) ice hockey on occasion.

About me:

6', 185-190lb. Will probably play primarily defense. I take mostly slap shots and wrist shots. I'm not a beginner, but not sure I'd quite qualify as an intermediate player. Since I don't have the greatest technique, but have a "decent" slap shot, I'm leaning toward an 85 flex.

I'm leaning towards a shaft over a OPS as I've read way too many reviews about blades of OPS cracking and breaking under "normal" wear and tear. Plus, I like the ability to swap blades if I don't find one I like. My team will occasionally practice on an outdoor, smooth concrete rink, so swapping out to a Koho/Reebok/CCM outdoor blade is a plus.

Cost will be a factor. I think I'm gonna try to cap my purchase around $120 for the shaft. I don't care much for the "grippy" feeling shafts, but have never played with one...am I missing anything on them? And, finally, I'm trying to decide which is for me: Traditional or Taper? From reading it sound like Tapers allow for a quicker shot? I simply don't know enough to make a decision, and I've been reading constantly the last couple of days! :huh:

For traditional, I've been considering (based on reviews):

- CCM U+10

- Bauer Supreme TotalOne NXG

- Reebok 16K & 6K (both are Grip)

For taper:

- CCM U+ Crazy Strong

- Reebok 20K & 11K

To conclude: my local shop just got a metric crap-ton of Easton stuff in...Makos and OPS. I've read a lot of unfavorable reviews on the Eastons, unfortunately. I loved their past aluminums. They should receive some Bauer/CCM/Reebok sticks, shafts and blades in the coming week from what it sounds. I need to pull the trigger on something soon though as our session starts up in a couple of weeks. Would like to get some ice time with whatever I choose before then.


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I am a long time 2 piece guy. I too like the blade swapping ability and truly believe in the long run I save money as my shafts last about 5X on average longer than my blades.

I use a Total One (not NXG) and am very, very happy with it's durability, pop, and feel. I use a wood blade with mine and the combination is great for feel, shooting, and passing.

I've used an S19 in the past, AK-27, old Koho revolution shaft, Louisville rubber, Warrior Dolomite shaft, and others and the Total One is my favorite in a long while.

I also think that for slappers and wristers, I think the standard shaft would be your best bet.

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I'm another long-time 2 piece user.

If you're looking to save a little cash The Warrior Dolomite (tapered), Dynasty (tapered) and AK27 (standard) are great shafts. Based on some online prices I've seen recently, you could get a couple of these shafts for around 140-150 bucks. You may want to try a tapered setup and a standard setup to see what you like.

I'd also second Capt Hook's recommendation of the Total One. You'll spend a bit more, but they are great shafts, they kick very hard and are very durable. The 11k shaft is an absolute tank, but IMO plays a lot stiffer than the rated flex. The 11k has a ridiculously tacky grip, as well. If you think you don't like a grip shaft, I'd definitely steer clear of the 11k. Not sure about the 20k. 11k blades are great and have been super-durable. I generally use Dolomite blade, mainly because i was able to find several of them at a great price and I like a couple of their curves very well. The high end Bauer blades that I have used have all been great in terms of performance and durability.

In general, I feel like I get a slightly quicker release with my tapered setups. If I think it's a game/shinny where I'll take a lot of slapshots, I sometimes use my standard setups. I use my tapered setups at least 90% of the time. It seems to be a little easier to consistently find reasonably-priced standard blades. Standard setups also tend to last longer for me. I prefer composite blades to wood blades because I prefer the feel of a well-balanced stick. IMO, wooden blades in a light composite shaft feel blade-heavy. When I buy shafts and blades I buy top of the line stuff that's on clearance from past years. I don't think most people really need the "latest and greatest" stuff.

I don't have any experience with any CCM stuff from recent years.

Here's what I'd go with (based on prices from HM online) - Warrior Dolomite or Dynasty tapered shaft (70/75 bucks). I'd get an ak27 shaft as well (70 bucks vs 110/120 for the TO/TO NXG). The high end Warrior shafts and blades perfrom very well, but I think you sacrifice a little durability compared high end Bauer shafts/blades. If my cap was 120 bucks and I could only get one shaft, I'd probably go with the Bauer TO/TO NXG. The TOs kick like hell and seem to be very durable.

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Wow, thanks for the detailed feedback, guys! I like the idea of going with both a traditional and tapered shafts to try them out. Not a bad idea at all. I may as well buy a grip and non-grip while I'm at it. May be worth spending a bit more money now to figure out what I like early on.

Heh, I just bought a new helmet to replace my old dinosaur CCM...put a rough cap around $70 and planned to stay middle of the road. Wound up buying a Re-Akt, lol. WELL worth it, wore it yesterday for the first time and love it. So yeah, I'm open to spending a little more flexibly with shafts as well.

Thanks again!

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I have to concur with sick willy on not having to have the newest stuff as well. I buy in bulk when I can on blades. The best way to do it is do some experimenting, find out what you like: grip/non grip, tapered/standard, wood/composite blade, etc. and then try to find some older models of your stuff and get plenty of it.

Too many guys I know are constantly experimenting and have no rhyme or reason to why they play with what they do and change it up all the time.

I also agree that a composite blade makes the shaft feel more balanced especially with a higher end blade that tends to be lighter.

My way around that with the wood blades, and this is really strange so don't copy me, is that I use junior blades, with about the first 1 1/2 to 2 inches of the blade chopped off, and I use tape to get the fit right in my shaft. So I use a total freak setup of a short stumpy junior blade mated to an intermediate flex really short standard shaft. However, it was through trial and error and accidental experimentation that I came up with this and since I did, I've made few changes.

For me, being comfortable and happy with my stick and knowing how it will feel and perform is ideal. I don't want to be blaming my stick for problems on the ice. Since I took the time and found the set up I like, now I can work on all the other issues in my game - ha ha. I still like to buy new shafts and blades and hack around to see if I can find something better but I do that from a standpoint of having a baseline that I am content with.

Best of luck to you!

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So, I'm shopping a retailer with a bit limited variety of shafts vs HM, but kinda "need" to order there as I've returned something and have to reorder (wrong size) and they're honoring the discounted price I had. Got that? lol

Quick question: I was ordering the Warrior AK27, and also ordered a Bauer Supreme TotalOne NXG Blade PM9 Sr and a Reebok 16K blade. The CSR on the phone said that she'd heard of compatibility issues with Warrior shafts and other blades. What say you guys?

ETA: Was able to ask someone (thanks, Gummer!) in chat and sounds like it should be good-to-go. Will give the AK27 and other blades a whirl. Thanks again, fellas.

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Well, after some frustrations trying to find shafts/blades in exactly what I want and in stock, I made my purchase.

Warrior AK27 Clear 85 flex (traditional); Bauer Supreme TotalOne NXG and Reebok 16K blades. I would have tried to make a Traditional AND Taper shaft purchase, but it was tough finding a tapered blade that I wanted that was in stock (or RH curve). I'll probably pick up a taper sometime down the road to check it out, but for now I'm looking forward to this setup!

I need gloves, too, so I'll be able to pick up a pair since I didn't get that other shaft.

Thanks again for the recommendations! I'll report back once I get some time with my new gear. :wink:

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Good thing I put my order in... broke my Easton shaft on a slapper at the end of Stick and Puck yesterday! Blade went flying and I thought it shattered. Picked up the blade (an old, wooden Easton) to see it's fine, but no glue, so thought maybe the glue all just let go. In the locker room I noticed a 3" split up the bottom of the shaft, lol.

And with a "crack!" I'm thoroughly ushered into the new composite-age of hockey!! :laugh:

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Skated the first time with my Warrior AK27 and Bauer blade (mentioned above) today. Went to an ice drop-in session of which all of three, myself included, dropped-in, ha.

I like how light the combo is. I held this setup along with one of my old Koho sticks and it was a definitely bit lighter. Pretty good feel of the puck while skating. I think the 85 flex and this blade will take a bit to get used to, but I can definitely tell the puck gets launched with a good zing to it!

Noob question though: I can hear some "particulates" floating around inside the shaft when turned upside down and back. I'm guessing this is probably just broken glue "bits" inside the shaft?

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Yeah, probably just some glue.

Pop that blade out and give it a shake. Then put the blade back in.

Those always annoy me so much even though they don't hurt anything.

Glad you like your shaft and blade. I have an AK 27 too and they are great. Unfortunately I like a real noodle and didn't order an intermediate but an 85 flex so I don't use it that much.

Keep us posted on how things go.

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Going to put in my vote for the Harrow 300 tapered shafts. I have three of them with the matte grip. I got the three of them at different times, but the oldest one is going on 4 years and still going strong. The price is very attractive too...

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Going to put in my vote for the Harrow 300 tapered shafts. I have three of them with the matte grip. I got the three of them at different times, but the oldest one is going on 4 years and still going strong. The price is very attractive too...

This the one you're talking about?


Sounds intriguing. Will put that on my list of considerations! Do you need to use a Harrow blade with it, or do other manufacturers' blades work as well?

I'm enjoying my Warrior/Bauer combo so far. I really don't have anything to compare it to, however, so I'm planning on picking up something different in the near future...so long as the Minister of Luvin' & Finance (wife) signs off on it! :cool: I will definitely consider Harrow- thanks!

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This the one you're talking about?


Sounds intriguing. Will put that on my list of considerations! Do you need to use a Harrow blade with it, or do other manufacturers' blades work as well?

I'm enjoying my Warrior/Bauer combo so far. I really don't have anything to compare it to, however, so I'm planning on picking up something different in the near future...so long as the Minister of Luvin' & Finance (wife) signs off on it! :cool: I will definitely consider Harrow- thanks!

Dats it! Google for coupon codes too, sometimes you can get a little off. Or even call their sales manager Wes and ask about joining the Elite Team, he's usually good for giving a nice discount.

As far as blades go, I've only used the Harrow blades, but I'm more than certain that any tapered blade will fit. Someone could probably confirm that for me here...

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