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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visors: Bauer HDO straight VS Oakley Straight

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So i starting playing in a league that allows half visors so im switching out my old cage for a half visor. I was looking at 2 models the Oakley VR903 ( http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/Oakley_VR903_Pro_Straight_Hockey_Helmet_Visors/descpage-VR903.html ) and the bauer HDO pro straight ( http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/Bauer_HDO_Pro_Straight_Shield_Clear_/descpage-BHPST.html no clip model)

Is there any real difference in these visors? it says bauer now uses the oakley patents for its HDO so im guessing distortion and clarity are about the same if not equal. Are there any real differences here? the only thing i can see is that the Oakley has its own anti fog (which has been complained about and needs its own spray) , is a tiny bit bigger and i see more pros (used to be exclusive but i do see bauers now) using them. with the bauer i see it has holes and slots for mounting and is a little cheaper, it boasts its 2x anti scratch (marketing term?), and is CSA & CE certified compared to just "approved"

and whats the deal with the tints? i play mostly in an indoor roller rink, thats really dimly lit so im not sure they will help.

any thoughts on either of these. im using an older bauer HH8000 helmet at the moment


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The only difference I've noticed between the Oakley straight and Bauer HDO is that the Bauer doesn't fog up as easily; vision clarity and anti-scratch feel about the same to me. Nonetheless, I wear both visors regularly and recommend both.

I do not recommend any sort of tint.

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How much heavier (if at all) is the HDO compared to Oakley? I don't wear a 1/2er when playing but I do wear one while officiating. I like the clip system the HDO offers and it's nice to hear that the HDO doesn't fog up as easily. I've been using Oakley for years and I wouldn't mind venturing.

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do either the oakley move on you?

i may also look into their clip system, less for the clip as i dont see how great that would be, more for cheaper replacement shields.

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Going to choose tonight but im leaning oakley. Anyone know if the Rit Tinting trick (trying to get a slight slight smoke, think hossa or less) works on the oakley antifog or if their cleaning spray with screw with it and their special antifog?
btw this is the method (


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going with the oakley this time. if the antifog craps out way before time then i wont give them a second chance. i would rather have that little bit extra on the visor at this time.

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