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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy s17

Stick Help... Any input would be great.

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Hey everyone, I've found myself at a loss here... Looking for opinions from anyone on a new stick... I have 2 I like, but I'm completely unsure which way to go. I like the CCM U+ CL, I used CCM's before I started using Combats, but I honestly just can't afford the price tag on the Combats anymore... And then there is the Stealth RS... I work at a rink, and they have both sticks on sale to get rid of whats left of them... Can't decide between one or the other, been checking them both. Any opinions/reviews that could help me make a solid, sound decision would be great, Thanks guys!

Also forgot, the rink also has 3 of the original U+ sticks, at $95/ea... and since I work there, they'd possibly cut me an even better deal...

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It's really down to what you like. I've used all 3 and prefer the RS for feel and balance but it's durability isn't great. I've had one last a year and others that went on me in a few months. If you can get it cheap enough then it is a great stick. The .52 is a great stick and pretty solid but it jut doesn't feel the same as the RS. The CL would be my 3rd choice.

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