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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for team - NYC

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I'm getting back into hockey after a very extended time off and am looking for a team in or around Manhattan. I've gone to a few open hockey sessions and it brought back enough good memories that I now want to get in a league.

Position: prefer centre, but can play any

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Can't help you with a team at the moment, but check out the Ice House in Hackensack. A bunch of friends and guys from my teams that live in the city find it easier and cheaper to just cross the bridge. Good luck!


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Thanks for the advice. I might try to make it out there one weekend and meet some people, or send them an email at the very least.

A big issue is my lack of a car--definitely willing to play on a team there (or other harder to reach places) if I could find people in NYC with whom to carpool.

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