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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What kind of knob, tape, wrap, ect. Wears down palms the least?

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Joe can make a mold in any shape.

Hmm, I wonder if he could just make a simple 1/2" or 1" knob without any grip (basically just an end plug with a knob on it). I'll have to email him.

I prefer to use stretch grip/powerflex/ self adhering tape as the grip. There is no adhesive to worry about and when I add a small knob at the end it works pretty well. I don't like to use the really coarse self adhering tape, usually the stuff the athletic trainers or that you can find in the first aid aisle at the store will do well. If I dont have that type of tape available I just use regular athletic tape.

Yep, I switched from tacki-mac grips to the renfrew stretch tape. I much prefer it, just because I didn't like any of the Tacki-mac shapes.

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