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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XR1- Speed?

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I bought a pair of the XR1 skates recently and I've found that they are pretty slow. I haven't boughten a new pair of skates in a while, but I find them to be a little on the slow side compared to my old ones. I know they don't have the best bearings in them, but I really have to labour to get up some speed. Is there something I should have done to them before skating on them or is just the fact that they have the lower quality bearings?

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Bearings are a huge part in sustained roll and speed. Also give them about 3 games to get them broken in. If not take the bearings from the old skates and put them in there. Also wheel hardness is huge. I can't use soft wheels bc with my weight I feel like I'm rolling on gummy bears.

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yeah thats a very good chart and it covers the big guys too. no "over 180lbs" generality BS.

Also check to make sure the bolt screws arnt over tightened, they should be snug enough that they arnt wiggling. being a bigger guy i add a 1/4-1/2 turn form there. some new skates come with their wheels seized from being too tight.

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What kind of general rules are there for when you should change your wheels vs. rotate them? As well, sorry newbie question, why are the two back wheels larger?

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The two back wheels are larger as a part of the hi-lo set up. The smaller wheels in the front allow for tighter quicker turns, while the larger wheels in the back allow for a higher top speed.

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