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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission inhaler top cap help.

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Hi just just wondering if someone can confirm for me.

In the mission ac1 is the toe cap much wider in the 6ee compaired to the 6d or is it mainly the width of the boot thats wider.

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Im not sure but, you should be able to punch the boot out right where it meets the toe cap on either side. Thats likely the source of your foot pain. The toecap itself cannot be stretched or punched though.

One thing to also try is a pair of superfeet yellow insoles, the extra support adds alot of comfort to the skate and it also pulls your foot up and back slightly in the boot. I noticed that it relieved some pain in the area when I was breaking in my ac1s. I never had severe problems with the toe cap width though but its worth a try and for $30 wether it works or not, you can keep the insoles as they are much better and more comfortable than the stock insoles.

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The toecap itself cannot be stretched or punched though.

You can stretch the toe cap if you are willing to take the time. I'm currently stretching an X60 boot that is a D size to a custom EE width in certain areas, one area which is the toe cap. Where the toe cap is just in front of the first eyelet I have stretched it there by 3/8" and increasing. It just takes a lot of time and a gentle application of heat. It's doubtful a LHS would spend the time to do this, at least my LHS said no because of the time involved, so it's something you would need to do yourself.

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Here is a post in the ice forum in which I have listed some photos showing the tools I use for stretching / punching and a boot in the frame undergoing a stretch.


Recently I purchase 2 new clamps ($10 on special at the local hardware store) and these are an inch longer in the top of the C than the blue ones in the photos (these clamps also had straight arms, more like a U than a C, because when working in the toe cap area you don't have the headroom for 2 typical C curved clamps). These gave me the ability to get right into the toe section of size 6 to 9 boots. Here is a photo showing the amount of stretch I have so far got on an X60 7D I am working on. This is the area where the outside material starts to cover the toe cap. The measurement is from the boot I have stretched laid over the top of the boot I have yet to stretch so you can see that there is around a 5mm stretch at this stage. I need another 2mm or so and then the boot will fit his foot.


If anything is unclear or you need some other photos showing what is going on then drop me a line and I will upload what I can.

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Hi just just wondering if someone can confirm for me.

In the mission ac1 is the toe cap much wider in the 6ee compaired to the 6d or is it mainly the width of the boot thats wider.

In missions yes the toe cap gets a little wider, its still a snug fit but it's wider. Unlike Reebok building it with the same toe cap. This is with my experience trying on an ac2 8.5ee and 8.5d yesterday.

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