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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RH Widow Vanek, Bauer Pro Stock 4-Rolls and X7.0 Pants, Reebok Shoulders

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All prices are OBO and include shipping to the US; I will ship to Canada and other countries for slightly more.

Bauer Pro Stock 13" 4-Rolls - These are all navy Penguins 3rd colors made for Pascal Dupuis with single-layer digital palms. The palms are in good shape with no holes, and have gotten a little stiff but still feel great in use. There is a small hole in the side of the top back roll on the left glove as shown. $50 SOLD


Bauer Vapor X7.0 Pants - Senior M, navy. I only had these for a couple of months. There is a small hole from board burn on the front of the pants. Otherwise, they're in great shape with no other flaws. $60 TRADED LOCALLY

Warrior Widow OPS - Clear 85 flex Vanek OPS used only a couple times; I'm just not able to get used to the stick. One shallow scratch on the blade and one nick on the shaft above the blade as shown. Cut to about 63.25" standing against the wall and includes a Tacki-Mac sandpaper grip. $70 SOLD LOCALLY


Reebok 8K KFS Shoulder Pads - Senior M. In good shape with little to no smell. Straps are still in good shape. Bicep protectors show a little wear from rubbing against elbow pads. $25 SOLD


Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about these items.

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