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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate profiling - Vapor XXXX with the stance of the Supreme series?

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I've been skating in my vapor xxxx's for a while now, and I can't quite seem to get comfortable with the agressive stance. However, the skates are really comfortable on my foot. I'm used to the more upright stance of the supreme series. So, my question:

Is it possible/easily done to have them profiled so I'm standing more upright like on my supremes?


Edit: I think I'm not thinking of blade profile as in radius, but in terms of pitch.

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Interesting you are finding this.

The XXXX was not a forward pitch skate as some of the other Vapor models. It is closer to the Supreme's. However if the supreme's were on a reverse pitch from bad sharpening they would feel off. You could adjust to make them more neutral but I wouldnt put them on a reverse lean as that is not helpful to a stride..

It would be best to measure all the blade heights and see where everything is and go from there.

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