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Inline rink tile damage

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Hey all,

I work at a rink and have recently begun to notice an increase in damage to the tile surface. Previously there had been a few spots here and there and I never paid too much attention as it wasn't troubling the players. However recently I have begun to notice an increase in holes and the introduction of gouges into the surface, mainly located around the nets, boards behind the net and benches (gouges are located around here).

Our rink currently gives timeslots to Roller Derby, Soccer, Roller Hockey, Inline Hockey & turf hockey (speed work).

I'm wondering if anyone would have any idea could cause this damage to the surface?

I have spent the passed few months trying to work it out and it keeps increasing.

Here are some pictures of the damage:




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Keep your eyes peeled when your their, maybe someone's but end of their stick if their mad because they lost so they hit the tile with it? Idk really just look for it

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I work at a local rink in San Diego, the second picture looks like damage we get from indoor field hockey sticks, when they get smashed on the ground they make they can make damage similar to your 2nd picture.

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Most likely whatever is being played in shoes., that's always what ditties and messes with our local rink the most. I'm sure most of the soccer players don't have the cleanest of shoes when playing and the rocks and such can gauge the floor.

Also you're saying it's around the net boards etc. It's from pucks battles where people are just whacking away. And from people going over the boards and their sticks hitting the ground.

Also looking more closely some of those are perfect little circles.. is anyone wearing cleats?

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Also looking more closely some of those are perfect little circles.. is anyone wearing cleats?

I will have to look out for that, I can think of one of the groups that would think cleats would give them added grip.

Really cant afford to replace the surface anytime soon and replacement tiles will eventually run out.

Thanks for that guys!

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we just put back in our sport court tile for summer roller hockey, and its crazy how different it is from this. ours is actually referred to as 'deck tile' i believe, and its actually got a ton of angular pieces/holes instead of a solid top surface.

ours was used a bunch of years for multiple things and i havent seen any damage near what you have there. it could be the difference of materials used... how old is it? who makes it?

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