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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton stick flex

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I just bought a new Easton 1 pc stick 100 flex. 3 inches down the shaft it has a cut line that says 100.

Last time I bought a Synergy (7+ years ago) I don't recall having to cut the stick to reach the advertised flex. Maybe I've been out of the loop for too long.

I'm assuming this means the actual stock flex is closer to 95 and needs to be cut to reach 100 flex? Seems obvious to me, but just want to make sure I'm not losing it.

Thanks a lot!

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Easton sticks, as I recall, can be cut 3 inches and still retain the advertised flex. Warrior is the same, but I think can be cut more before the stick stiffens up.

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what salibandy said.
warriors can be cut about 5 iches before the FEEL of the flex increases.

those first 3 inches will have little to no difference in the feel.

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