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Inline Pants Repair

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Hey guys, I've been rocking my old mission helium 10000 pants I got on closeout years ago. Problem is everything is holding up except the stretch material on the knees, specifically the left knee is obliterated. Has anyone found a good way to repair this? Would a trailer be able to replace the material fully and stitch in a new patch?

In the end I suppose it's mostly for cosmetics but I don't think it's a good idea the knee pads take all that abuse on slides either.

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Yeah, that's how I bought the ones I have now.

I do see there is a sale on alkal..... Wait a minute... I see what you did there. iI was looking at new pants thinking they may be lighter and breathe a little better but the LHS lack roller gear and buying online is hard bc I am shorter but I do have very thick legs. With Shin Pads on I've had to cut every one of my pants prior to these to get them on over the shins.

Btw justin, with your new skate lineup coming out will there be a new line of pants as well?

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Just a guess, but I would assume that if the knee portion is worn out there are likely other parts of the pants that are near wearing out. Unfortunately it seems like your best bet is buying a closeout.

BTW, I'm like you and the only respectable hockey store is over 80 miles away. Flippin sucks!!!!!! Good luck and report back either way.

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nah just the left knee really, its that nylon material so when i (a 250lbs man) slides on it is get worn through. the only other thing is the numbers came off in the wash but thats it.

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Inlinewarehouse has Tour Spartan Pro pants for $39. They are short for their size and very wide, super durable... Looks like a good match for your size.

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Ok so maybe im a little off by saying the knee now that i look at it, but when i play it falls on my knee. here are the pics to show what i mean.



its the stretch part of the fabric, and its the only thing that is torn through and the rest of the pants are fine. i was just wondering if there was a way people were fixing that but it seems if i wanted to i would need to replace the whole section. its not a problem but occasionally my knee gets stuck on it and pulls it a bit more.

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Some sort of patch maybe? Eventually its just going to be time for new pants. In the long run, for the price, its not really worth fixing.

Yeah probably, I was thinking one of you guys had some MHS insider way of fixing it. Im probably going to play on it until it really goes to hell because even if that whole spot rips out it really doesnt matter much.

I look at the new lines in the fall but im so spoiled by these pants fit, feel and relatively good ventilation.

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im so spoiled by these pants fit, feel and relatively good ventilation.

Hmm.. What is it that you like so much about the fit/feel of the pants you have right now?

Have you thought about maybe some sort of black nylon iron-on patch that you could put on the inside of the pants? Then the only spot that would show would be what shows through the holes in the pants. Im not sure how that would effect the mobility of the pants though as the rip is in the stretchy area above the knee. Just a thought.

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They just fit me well and don't get in the way and I don't need to tape the bottoms of them which is a big plus to me. I'm very suspicious of even bigger pants that say contoured fit bc I am not a normal shape especially not for roller hockey. Even my really old mission pants I had to cut a 6" line straight up from the bottom of the pants so they had enough relief to fit over my shins, these I don't. And a lot of pants that say relaxed are so baggy that if I don't tape them they get caught in my wheels.

I'm not afraid of new pants but I'll have to go and try them on and a lot of local places don't have too much, or it's old stock, or it's none of the higher end stuff etc etc.

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Hmm, well one pant to look at could be the new "revision dfs armour series 2 pants" (they like just came out for retail) they have a sort of cut or hem at the bottom of the legs that allows them to flare out a bit and is supposed to let the pants sit at your boot without getting in the way of your wheels or causing tripping.

Heres a link to those pants: http://www.icewarehouse.com/descpage.html?pcode=RDFS2

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