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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Volume: Bauer APX2 vs APX

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Give me advice about volume in new APX2 skates, i fail pencil test around 3-5 eyelets from top in APX, but don't have lace bite, APX2 have more volume around this area?

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Give me advice about volume in new APX2 skates, i fail pencil test around 3-5 eyelets from top in APX, but don't have lace bite, APX2 have more volume around this area?

Well from what I heard it should have a bit more volume than the APX. Though to decide if you have enough volume is also a matter of having the right width of the skate. Having EE in my new APX2 makes them work perfectly.

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I've noticed the same as mentioned above. The EE width has a bit more volume than a D. My APXs are Ds and I fail that test too. Low volume skates for sure. Although I don't suffer form lace bit, because of the thicker tongue on the APX2 I'd be curious as to even more of a volume issue because of it....?

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