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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme one.9 white le skates

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Hello I'm looking for a pair of bauer supreme one.9 LE skates size 6.5 EE for my cousin .. Can't seem to find them anywhere in Toronto does anyone know were I can locate theese skates online ?? Info would be appriciated thank you.

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They only have 6.5d ugh

From what I can see they have the 6.5EE as well. You can choose the size right under where it says: 649.99


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Do u work for them?

No I certainly don't work for them or any other hockey company! I have a passion for(edit) hockey gear, just trying to help you out...precisely why forums like this are around so questions like yours can be answered. anyways, hope it helps.

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Cyclone Taylor Sports in Vancouver is clearing them out for $499 + tax. Give them a call to see if they still have your size in stock.

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Hello I'm looking for a pair of bauer supreme one.9 LE skates size 6.5 EE for my cousin .. Can't seem to find them anywhere in Toronto does anyone know were I can locate theese skates online ?? Info would be appriciated thank you.

any luck?

When is this skate scheduled to release?

Not sure, a guess would be Mid-September

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