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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your favourite tipple

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I don't drink much, because I usually find much better things to spend my money/time on...but when I do feel like saucin' things up a bit I tend to go for the rum and cokes; preferably Lamb's dark rum, maybe Captain Morgan sometimes. When I go for beer (which is even less frequent) I go for the harsh stuff, haha. Jockey Club, Dominion Ale, Black Horse...which most people tend to avoid.

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Last time I had a Killians it tasted a bit like soap. It's a decent beer, just not flavorful or interesting enough to really want to have on a regular basis. Maybe I'll try another and see how it treats me.

My favorite cider is Newton's Folly, which I found at Trader Joe's for $1 a bottle. It's got more flavor than Hardcore cider and not as tart as Woodchuck. The Granny Smith version is way too sweet though. I think it'd make a fine Snakebite with a Harp or Bass pale ale.

Don't know if coors has changed but Killian's Irish Red was just Coors Extra Gold Draft with caramel malt added. I played with a guy who worked at the local subcontracted brewery in the Lehigh Valley. That place makes Sam Adams now.

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Geary's Ales out of Portland, Me. are killer. I like the Hampshire Special Ale (we call it head smasher ale, 7% alcohol). Their London Porter is mellower, but also very, very good. I enjoy a little Knob Creek Bourbon from time to time. Portland's a hell of a place for a beer drinker!

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