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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme vs vapor vs nexus

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It's all personal preference on what stick you like. There is no particular stick made just for wrist shots or slapshots but kickpoints that are probably better for certain shots. The vapor line has the dual intellesense technology, 2 kickpoints, 1 low and 1 high depending on where your hands are placed on the shaft. From what I know the vapor line plays a bit stiffer than its flex rating. The nexus line has a tru mid flex point, where it flexes more in the hosel and handle, meaning more at the top of the shaft and lower portion. This line plays whippier than rated so this is the softest line out of the 3. The supreme line has the mid flex point, so the stick loads in the middle. I'm not sure if they stiffened up the line like I've heard as I think the NXG is stiffer than the total one. But it depends on what you like, vapor has more rounded corners compared to the other 2 and the higher end supreme sticks have the tac spiral on the shaft. Some shoot better with mid kick, some low kick,it all depends on your shooting style and what you feel comfortable with. Hope that helps!

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I've owned the T1 NXG, Nexus 1000 and APX. I've found The Nexus and APX are best for those shots. The dual kick points on the APX take a while to get used to.

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I know you're new and all, but making 5+ threads about very basic topics all at once isn't good. Use the Google Site Search function, perusing through other threads will yield more info for you.

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Jerome? Your on here too? Wow that's weird I though I was the only one on our team on this site. Your on the u16s right? Amd you probably dont really no me but i was the kid in the red jersey at skates today, the taller one, and if you still dont know me im the one Kid that always shoots on the basketball hoop after workouts, and if you still dont know me then i dont know, But I would definitely go APX or Nexus

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