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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates getting shredded by shin guards

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This is kind of a cross over question between ice and roller but since the skates are ice converted to roller I figured best responses would be found here.

So I have Reebok 14k ice boots converted to inline. On all my previous ice and inline skates I've always tucked my tongues up under my shin guards so I've never experienced an issue with "rubbing". After converting these skates I was experiencing terrible lace bite so I tried a few different things to correct it and found that for some reason tongues out helped a lot in combination with going one eyelet down and bunga pads. Lacebite is gone but now the bottoms of my shin guards rub on the top of my eyelets and destroy the skate(shredding it for lack of a better description) as well as the bottoms of my shin guards.

I'm considering getting an inch shorter shin guards assuming this would correct the problem, but i'm also worried that exposes a portion of my frontal ankle with the tongues out.

I guess I'm just curious if anyone has experienced anything like this and maybe had some input on potential solutions.

Thanks in advance for any input.

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I had a similar issue with my old 9ks. Reeboks tend to be cut a little higher than some other skates. I went to 1" shorter shin pads and was fine. I would think that anyone going from tongues in to tongues out would have this problem.

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With all the other things youve done you can try putting the shins back on the outside and see if the bite is back. A quick fix may be some clear poly tape where it wears to keep the rubbing on the actual skate to a minimum for the time being.

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