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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sweating through to wheels

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Ive been using the mission t8 for maybe a year now with no problems until today. I noticed i had no push, and saw that the front wheel (not the other 3) on each skate was wet. The chasis around the wheel was also wet. After drying them off, it kept happening. The only thing i can think is that all the sweat from my feet is pooling in the toes of the skate and dripping out through the rivets. Anyone else have this issue? How did you deal with it? Thanks

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To be honest, for that to happen you would need a large amount of sweat. With rinks in the summer I find there is a lot of humidity floating around making everything wet. But it really depends on the rink. It could be also someone spilled something on the bench or near them and you're resetting your skate

If you think that it's coming through the rivets I would say you may need to look to see if the rivets are still tight. If they are turn the skate upside down and use super thin super glue and just go around the rivet and seal it up. Use as little as possible. You can also out a paper towel in the front of the toe to see how much sweat actually gets in there. If it is amcoming through the boot then the super glue is only a temporary fix as sweat breaks down super glue.

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I have had the same problem. After 2 hours or so of hard training on a hot night, the moisture absorbing capability of my ca9's is done and sweat then runs out the rivets, down the front of the frame and onto the front wheel and bearings (note this last bit!!!). You then end up with no traction when trying to accelerate or turn (front gives way).

Answer is to buy a miracle or super shammy, like this:


Cut it to the shape of your foot bed, put it into the boot and then the footbed on top of it. After every skate take your footbed and shammy out and the shammy will dry overnight. This is a good habit to have as it also ensures the insides of your skates, ie - the top of the rivets, dry out. I keep two pairs of shammies in my bag. After some trainings, I've taken them out of the boot and wrung nearly a cup of water from them but still absolutely nothing leaking down the frame. On really hot nights, I've either used the two pairs (swapped them out after about 90 minutes) or doubled them up in the boot (they make very little difference to the volume in the boot).

And if moisture does leak out your boots and onto the frame, it's the bearings that are the big concern. The water IS getting into them and if you don't take the affected bearings out and soak / clean them IMMEDIATELY, they will start to rust in the race (unless you have full ceramics) and begin to lose performance. I lost some swiss ceramics to this problem before I figured out everything that was going on, an expensive lesson to learn.

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Now that's sweaty!!!! Vet88's solution sounds good depending on your boot volume (may get too tight).

Try taking a look at your socks. A high performing skate sock could help stop the sweating before it starts.

One thing I do for my gloves is put a sweat band around my wrist and my gloves don't get as sweaty (the majority of the sweat was coming from my arms, pits, and wrists). Same concept here. I bet the majority of that sweat, if it is indeed sweat, is coming from your legs.

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