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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shells for pro stock pants

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I was wondering if there are any shells that would work with a pair of reebok pro stock pants? I know that the pro stock pants are different than the retail ones, but is anyone using a retail shell?

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Maybe you are thinking of 9k shells?

Regular retail shells should have no problem fitting on pants as long as the sizes are the same...

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I went to my Lhs and was told that shells won't fit over the pro stock pants. I'm calling BS but I want to know if any one else has done this.

Those people don't know what you're talking about. Bring your pants in and just try putting a shell on em. If they end up being too small, go up a size.

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Shells should fit fine. The only major diff. in Pro pants from retail is the padding, Unless you have pants that are +2 or so in length you shouldn't have any issues.

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