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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Indoor Wheel Recommendations

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I am looking to purchase some new wheels as I am going to start playing on an indoor surface in the fall. I weigh about 170-175lbs and am 6ft tall. I think I should be using 76a or "soft" wheels but am not 100% sure. I am looking to spend between 5-8$ per wheel so any recommendations on which I should buy would be appreciated.

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hey well first maybe look into xsoft as a start at your weight that would work pretty well unless your trying to gain more speed or get the "glide" effect. the look at labeda grippers or milleniums. both a solid wheels. one at the 6 dollar price range and the other at 9. from everything i've heard and seen rink rats work great when they are still in one piece but tend to break more often. another option which i've seen fly off shelves are the variant steel's. i just got mine in but havn't had a chance to skate on the yet but everyone that ive seen with them has really liked how they ride.

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Well I have played ice my whole life and play roller regularly on an outdoor tennis court type surface rink so maybe the glide effect would be good? what exactly is the glide effect. And yes I have been looking at grippers I think I will pick up a set im just now deciding between x soft or soft

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What type of surface is it? Sport court or skating rink type concrete?

But +1 for the grippers I'm 180 and use the yellow ones for skating rink type concrete floor. For sport court I use the rink rats XXX that came with my skates. Both setups work great.

Edit: I use the yellow grippers (the harder of the 3 colors)

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The grippers are a great buy for outdoor surfaces, I might suggest that you try the yellow grippers for smooth concrete if that is what the surface is like.

If you get onto some indoor surfaces like sport court, I would give the Revision Variants a look.

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If it is a wood or urethane surface then purchase a single pour wheel or the hardest multi pour you can find.

If its a tiled surface then, within your budget, are:

Labeda Gripper Milleniums

Revision Axis

Rink Rat Hot Shot xx grip

$9 a wheel gets you Revision Steels.

or you could have a look at the Tron range, they do an ok wheel that lasts a while. The price is cheap and you can experiment with different hardness to find out what you like.

Different wheels suit different skaters and skater styles. You need to find out what works for you.

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