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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet Help

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I was wearing a Bauer 4500 helmet/ccm v8 and got triped up and my head hit the ice knocking me out. I was diagnosed with a concussion and had post concussion syndrome for 3 months. I know that the new helemt tech can help protect my head more then my old school VN/cellflex liners. However the higher end helemts I can't get tight enough on my head for my liking. I like the fact with the old school helmet liner you can tighten it enough that there is no horizontal movement and it is still comfortable. Any suggestions for a helmet upgrade that fits very snug and offers some more protection? In additon, I also feel once I throw my visor on newer tech helmet it pulls the temples pads outward and compromises it's fit since the new tech helmets have the side temple pads glued to the plastic piece were the visor is mounted. Anybody else experience this problems with new tech helemts and could offer me a bucket to try out at my LHS?

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You could use spacers and longer screws so that the visor doesn't pull the helmet shell outwards.

Some of the new tech helmets have the mechanisms to lock in the helmet to your head.

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Try different sized and all of the different brands. A lot of the companies are making their helmets bigger for the size. I have a big head and always used a Large. With the Bauer re-akt I'm comfy in a medium

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