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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Off ice exercises for acceleration

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So something I'm really starting to notice as practices start back up this year, is every body moves a lot faster right off of the start than I do, so I'm wondering if there are any off ice exercises that would help me. And if not how can I get faster at starts?

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Sprints, do short sprints around cones in different orders (e.g. forward, backward, shuffle, etc.), Look up basketball agility drills. Other things I have been working on this summer are hill sprints: uphill and slight down hill. Those are usually longer (about 75 yards). Make sure you have PLENTY of rest between reps, you do not want to turn it into a cardio workout. Wait until your heart rate comes down. I can't stress this part enough, if you do not wait you are not sprinting full speed and you are just training your body to go slow.

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Heavy squats, deadlifts, and lunges for leg strength.

cleans, snatches, sprint starts, depth drops/jumps for speed.

Make sure all your reps are explosive and max effort. Train fast to be fast.

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Most has been said, get strong, then get fast. Acceleration is just the application of strength in a short amount of time. All the speed work in the world won't make much difference if you are weak (for speed/accel it is relative strength, not absolute).

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Agility Lader exercises and anytype of interval training with greatly help acceleration. For instance, an example of interval training you run on a treadmill all out sprint for 15 s then jog for 45s and continue this cycle of 15s sprint/45s jog for how long you play in a game 15-20 minutes. Then ramp it up to 30 s sprint 30 s jog and continue this cycle for 15-20 minutes.

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You'll have to hit the weights to build up the lower body muscles and core. Then hit plyometrics hard in the pre-season.

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Good set of exercises from the posts here. Focus in the gym on accelerating the weight as hard as you can in the gym; you have to train explosion to get explosive, and you can do that with normal exercises, not just specifically explosive ones like Olympic lifts. Also, get your stomach REALLY strong and tight; I've read a few articles recently nominating bicycles as the best overall ab exercise, and I can add a resounding endorsement. Generally stick with compound exercises, and almost everyone can stand to clean up their diet, which often results in an effect described as clearing through the fog in your head and body that you didn't even know was there. Get after it!

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Plyometrics will be the biggest part of the adventure, with a moderate amount of strength training (e.g. high weight, 4-5 reps, try to gain power but not much mass) mixed in... BUT do not forget how much muscular endurance counts in hockey either. I've been dumb enough to disregard that before and could see the (bad) result.

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