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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone with one nine limited Ed skates ?

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Hello boys if anyone has theese skates can u post pictures of durability issues just got theese skates in the mail and I'm thinkin about prepping them up on specific spots to prevent damage .. Would appriciate it thank you ..

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As a half-serious answer, I wouldn't wear them tongues out. Several people have complained of the insert creasing enough to cause irritation and lacebite.

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How I would do it ? Put some gorilla glue over the parts that have potential to come apart just gonna try nothing to loose here I want them to last long enough .. And to the next post bout the tongues out ... Muahahahahahaha .. Just because of your reply I'm gonna add xtra long tongues remove the stock ones then I'm gonna glue the stock ones I too of the aftermarket tongues and make them double felt or tripple felt with some insaneeee flop !! Lim Half serious too bro !!

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How I would do it ? Put some gorilla glue over the parts that have potential to come apart just gonna try nothing to loose here I want them to last long enough .. And to the next post bout the tongues out ... Muahahahahahaha .. Just because of your reply I'm gonna add xtra long tongues remove the stock ones then I'm gonna glue the stock ones I too of the aftermarket tongues and make them double felt or tripple felt with some insaneeee flop !! Lim Half serious too bro !!

LOL yeah swap them out if you want, not a bad idea. The stock ones are terribly stiff.

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I just got these too. Have not taken them out for a skate yet as I need to get them sharpened. I have been breaking them in around the house, I do not mind the tongues. The footbeds are the weakest link thus far, so I put some Superfeet in, which I am also not quite a fan of but I digress. So, any ideas on how to prevent damage, I am interested to know. I read that these do not offer much protection against pucks, so I will be wearing skate fenders over the sides of them.

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