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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Short Notice - Boston 3v3 Tournament - Saturday August 24th

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Hi guys! MA Hockey League out of Somerville, Mass. is still looking for players for the lower division for their 'Danglefest' 3 on 3 tournament. It's this Saturday, the 24th, lower division plays from 8am - 2pm, on the small ice at Veterans rink in Somerville. Disclosure: I'm not involved in the running of the tournament, just playing in it.

Further details here: Danglefest 2013

Individual player fee is $60.

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Oh man, that looks like so much fun and would be perfect for me if I were in the area. I wish I had known about it sooner - I went to school up there and it would have been a great excuse to make a little trip. :/

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