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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New skate recommendation...

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Hey guys... I am in the process of buying some new skates. A couple of years ago I bought a cheaper pair of bauers, I believe they are the One60. When I bought them I just played shinny here and there maybe twice a month and I was on a pretty tight budget. Last year however I joined a mens league and started playing 1-2x per week as well as taking my kid out to skate an additional time. So I ended up skating 2-3x per week. As the season went on I began to get this pain on the outside of my leg, a few inches above my ankle, right about where the top of the skate boot sat. I just kind of ignored the pain, but it got worse and worse until by the end of the season skating was almost unbearable. I developed a pretty large lump on each leg in the same spot, it felt like a deep tissue bruise. Its took a full 3 months of no skating for these lumps/bruises to go away completely. I have never had this problem before, but certainly don't want to deal with it again. I am chalking at least some of the problem up to having cheaper skates. So, that leaves me on the hunt for a skate that will help with that... I am kind of overwhelmed with all of the choices out there... I am wondering if anyone out there can offer some advice...

About me:

I am a bigger guy... 6'3" 320lbs...

Play mostly wing but will play D as needed...

More of a power skater than finesse (shocking I know, given the above)

I mostly wore bauers growing up but my most recent pair before the One60's was an old pair of Super Tacks that I wore for probably 10 yrs before that.

I have talked the wife into loosening the purse strings, so I don't have a set budget... but if I am going to fork out a $800+ it would have to be for a very good reason. I want something that is going to last, and be comfortable... and perform obviously


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Well, what you're gonna hear is that it's really just popping into a store and trying on whatever you can. At your height and weight, oyu ought to treat yourself to the one or two skates on the higher end for the best stiffness out of your boot. If you've fit comfortably in Bauer One60s, try out the current Supreme series. The TotalOne NXG or One.9 would be a good place to start.

That being said, try out other brands. The Mako is known to be the most comfortable one out there, with a bit of cushioning on where the boot ends up the ankle (plus the ability to roll it out should it hurt you). Get on the comfort train, find a stiff boot, and you're good to go.

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Thats what is so intimidating about skate shopping... comfort standing around in a store doesn't necessarily translate to comfort after an hour on the ice... my old ones feel just fine until I skate lol

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Some online stores are still liquidating last year's Bauer Vapor APX and CCM U+CL skates. Very good skates, and you can get them for around $500 and $400 respectively. The high end Bauers, such as the Vapor APX and Supreme Total One NXG, have additional padding in the top of the boot to alleviate the pain that you are describing. Unfortunately, they are very expensive (with the exception of last year's Bauer Vapor APX, which is a great bargain).

Another option you have is to buy whatever skate you want, then have a local hockey shop or cobbler modify the top of the boot to install additional padding.

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What I personally do when trying on in a shop is let the guy helping me know hey I'm trying on skates and I'm going to take my time with each one. I usually ask for him to measure my foot quick and if he can get 3 or so skates I'm interested in for me in my size. I let him know that I'm going to need to take my time trying them on. I usually put them on decently tight and stand up and flex in them tosee how it feels. I then sit down for about 10-15 and get up and bend/walk in them. Fiddly to see how they feel after time. Some skates for me need to be taken off right away (sorry Bauer vapors) but if something feels good I put on the other boot (my feet are usually start with different skates on each foot for a good side by side and to try them on faster, I put on both in the end bc my feet are slightly different) I then narrow it down from there. If a sales person is hawking I just politely tell him I'll let him know when I'm ready and not to worry about me.

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