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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aline Footbeds?

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Has anyone heard of the Aline Footbeds? http://www.aline.com/ it looks like they focus in skiing, snowboarding and cycling. Has anyone tried these in skates?

Here's from their website

ALINE Insoles restore your Power, Performance and feeling of Youth by allowing your body to naturally align itself.

The ALINE system is the only insole that lets your body perform at an optimum level, reducing wear and tear on your body for years to come.

I have used superfeet in the past. The superfeet run higher than the standard skate foot bed. Will this cause a problem?

here's a list of their athletes:

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Has anyone heard of the Aline Footbeds? http://www.aline.com/ it looks like they focus in skiing, snowboarding and cycling. Has anyone tried these in skates?

Here's from their website

ALINE Insoles restore your Power, Performance and feeling of Youth by allowing your body to naturally align itself.

The ALINE system is the only insole that lets your body perform at an optimum level, reducing wear and tear on your body for years to come.

I have used superfeet in the past. The superfeet run higher than the standard skate foot bed. Will this cause a problem?

Never heard of, or used the Aline, but they look good (a bit expensive, but if they save our feet then great).

You say "the superfeet run higher than the standard skate footbed" and seem concerned about them causing problems. Tons of people use the yellow superfeet, as do I. Seeing as how you are a SummerJammer, I figure you would know this, and am thinking maybe you typo'ed and meant to write that the Alines run higher than the skate foot bed?

I am actually not a huge fan of the yellow superfeet, and find that I would prefer more cushion. But, there is no problem with my foot being pushed too high up by the SuperFeet.

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