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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shot prolbem

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alright i play both roller and ice and "my curve" is a backstrom hall style curve and on ice im pretty accurate but i'm noticing lately that i'm having control problems when playing roller. i notice the puck shooting high and not staying low like i am aiming. is the weight difference in the puck a difference? i notice that my puck control is also a little sketchy on roller as well but on ice im perfectly fine. is their a curve with the same blade shape but open? is it how im shooting?

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That could be it. I have two sticks that are identicle except one is less than an inch longer. With the longer one I feel less controll and always shoot high. It has less to do with the position it is on you and the lenght of the actual stick. It sounds insane but the second I switch back to the shorter stick I feel normal again.

Tryvusing the shorter stick for roller, even if it's just for warmups.

The only other thing I can think of is bc roller pucks are on sliders you may be getting under the puck a little bit more.

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Reason you shoot higher and with less control is the puck. An inline puck is a little bit lighter so it will fly higher if you are normally shooting ice pucks. You use an open curve to start with so the puck normally will want to go high. I play inline 99 out of 100 times but that one time on the ice at a demo or something messes with my shot. I had a all day demo with Bauer then had a inline game later that night and had the same issue you are having. If you play a lot of inline as well as ice I would just change your curve slightly to a more closed face. I would suggest the P88 as it would still have the depth you like with the p92 but would also help keep your shots come off wanting to go mid height. This is just MHO but I think that is what your issue is, not stick height or tape.

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