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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Water Alternatives

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I have been watching this thread for awhile, here is my .02. Nothing works fast enough during a game to rehydrate an already dehyrdrated body. If you are not properly hydrated before the first face off, it doesnt matter how much or what you drink you will not be hyrdated properly at any point in the game.

To properly hydrate before a game you need to up your fluid intake serveral hours before puck drop. Basically you need to drink enough water so that your urine is clear and you are urinating frequently but not so much that you are bloated. It is a fine line.

I dont believe that any sports drink will rehydrate you faster than water, however, sports drinks definitely replace electrolytes that help your body retain water which helps decrease the rate of dehyrdration.

That being said I like to use a 2:1 oz ratio of water to gatorade while playing.

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agree with this.. switch it up after a month tho IMO.

I use it mountain biking mainly, but a glass 1 hour before a game works.. Its not an instant product like a caffeine beverage would make you feel...

FRS also works with me..

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Gatorade mixture isn't for electrolytes, it's for fast acting carbohydrates, aka sugar.

I didn't mean to say it was a mixture, that stuff is like kool aid. I meant if I drink 2 ounces water I will drink about an ounce of gatorade.

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All I do is fill my water bottle with about a quarter Gatorade - I fill the rest of the water bottle up with water and leave that on the bench. I bring another bottle of water (approx 1.5L size) for after practice to re-hydrate in the car (about 30 minute drive home).

I like being able to have a variety of flavors that I can choose from. Also, the grocery stores always sell the larger bottles of Gatorade for less than $2 a bottle. It's simple and it works for me! :rolleyes:

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I forgot my water bottle at home a couple weeks ago, so ended up buying a new bottle at the pro shop in the rink, and a bottle of gatorade. I tried the 50/50 mix of gatorade and water, and definitely did not like it very much. It will do if I need it.

This Gatorade powder mix is definitely staying as my go-to from now on. Not sweet, and it's almost a tad salty. Almost makes it feel like I'm replacing some of that sodium I'm losing in my sweat! ;)

One thing I definitely need to do, like somebody mentioned, is to begin the hydration process long before the game. I'll start doing that and see how it affects me, if at all.

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I forgot my water bottle at home a couple weeks ago, so ended up buying a new bottle at the pro shop in the rink, and a bottle of gatorade. I tried the 50/50 mix of gatorade and water, and definitely did not like it very much. It will do if I need it.

This Gatorade powder mix is definitely staying as my go-to from now on. Not sweet, and it's almost a tad salty. Almost makes it feel like I'm replacing some of that sodium I'm losing in my sweat! ;)

One thing I definitely need to do, like somebody mentioned, is to begin the hydration process long before the game. I'll start doing that and see how it affects me, if at all.

You may not notice a huge difference at first but trust me it really is making a difference. You will notice it most if you make it habit to hydrate properly before a few contests and then forget to for one. It is really incredible how important water is to the body.

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