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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone ever ordered from http://www.icesportsshop.com/

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I'd say buyer beware. A real give away is that they don't provide an address or any contact details (other than email) anywhere on the site, a second indication is that the english is pretty poor.

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I'd say buyer beware. A real give away is that they don't provide an address or any contact details (other than email) anywhere on the site, a second indication is that the english is pretty poor.

Agreed, it sure smells like the sites that sell counterfeit product.

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Avoid at all costs. During the payment phase you are redirected to https://payment.fashionpay.com\sslpayment and the SSL Certificate is registered to SHENZHEN SUHUITONG NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD [China].

On the index, they say they accept PayPal, but you don't have the option to use PayPal when you checkout.


There you go, I wasn't going to go through the ordering process.

Case closed.

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