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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor XX

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Hi Guys,

I was wondering if after I am done with my CCM Externos, should I consider possibly buying Vapor XX's produced by Bauer? they look like some pretty good skates from what I have heard.

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There is a lot of info on them available via the search tool. The short version is:


not durable

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If your looking to keep them for a while I wouldn't. They are nice and light, but break down very easily and fast. My cousin goes through a pair every 2 1/2 months. Like Chadd said though, theres a a lot of info on the xx's around the site, so just search and you should be able to find the answer to your questions.

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I can back up the durability issue. The sides practicly fall off around those ridge parts. But they perform well. Plus, if you've ever seen thr source for sports commercials, the skates will make you a sniper.

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the skates are really light. one of the lightest ever made, so far.....

but they break down fast and for the price tag, not a good buy unless you have alot of money and are really serious about hockey. you should buy a pair of grafs or bauer 8090s if you want a bauer skate and want to spend that kind of money on a skate. this is just my opinion though

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Plus, if you've ever seen thr source for sports commercials, the skates will make you a sniper.

You're being sarcastic here I hope... :huh:

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I loved the way the XXs fit and performed, but I wasn't crazy about the fact that I was usually going through at least two or three pairs a year. But, I was willing to spend the money on a product that performed, so I stuck with them for a few years.

It all depends on what you are looking for in a skate. Personally, I value performance over durability, which made the skates well worth the price tag. But, if it were the other way around, I would have given up on the Vapors after my first or second pair.

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