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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Similar stick to Bauer One95

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Hello, I am looking for suggestions from anyone who has used a One95 and has found a similar feeling/shooting stick. I'm thinking Nexus 1000, NXG, or original Total one but not sure which plays most like the one95. Any thoughts?

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There are some pro stock One95 shafts up on ebay now, some tapered, some standard. Different flexes. Check the codes, though. The one I was most interested in had a code of XX, so I didn't pick it up.

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Is the One.9 a true one piece like the one95 or a fused 2-piece?

same construction, the shaft is one piece the blade is fused on at the bottom.

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I thought the One95 was a true one piece. Am I wrong?

That depends on your definition. The blade and shaft are not molded in one piece, but the shaft is one continuous piece from top to bottom.

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What I mean is the blade is woven into the shaft further up rather than stuck into the shaft and epoxied like the se16. My understanding is that the one95 had the woven in blade as opposed to the 2 piece epoxy type of construction and if the One.9 had that same construction.

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What I mean is the blade is woven into the shaft further up rather than stuck into the shaft and epoxied like the se16. My understanding is that the one95 had the woven in blade as opposed to the 2 piece epoxy type of construction and if the One.9 had that same construction.

neither stick is made in either of those ways.

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Can you explain how its made?

More like a wood stick than older style composites. As I said before, the shaft is one piece and the blade is fused to it.

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So I did a search on the one.9 and it has the same 3k carbon fiber throughout the entire stick same as the one95 had. The blade core is different though and is the same as the Totalone. It has the same flex profile as the T1 as well and expanded hosel area.

Has anyone here used the One.9 yet and can give feedback on if it actually feels and plays like a One95?

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The blade core is different though and is the same as the Totalone.

Then what's the point? I always hear everyone saying that the best and most distinctive part of the One 95 was the blade...

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