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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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revision variant plus wheel warble?

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These seem to be pretty popular wheels nowadays, i got a pair of red ones as replacements for the front and they've been holding up really well. One thing i noticed though is instead of chunking they are warbling, some parts pop out further than others so when you spin them they look super uneven, you can totally tell when you're skating, feels like skating on gravel. Anyone else have this issue with them?

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Had them for maybe about a month. They're wearing out great, other than this warbling they look in pretty good shape, way better than the labedas i've had before, but at this point i would prefer them to chunk than warble like that.

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I have been a Labeda guy and have had addictions for the past 3 years. I'm hoping my sets of Labedas come soon so I can compare the two but right off the bat I think I may prefer the RV. I love how loud they grip when you stop, shouldn't really matter but I love the sound. Labeda makes a good product but my last set or two have been ripping from the hub.

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I've had issues with only two of them where the urethane looks like it pops out near the hub and rubbed bad against the chassis. I contacted Revision and they replaced them right away. Their customer service is top notch and love these wheels so far

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