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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer One .8 Stick - Opinions?

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I can't speak to this specific stick, but I have a one.7 and like it. I initially bought it as a back up stick, but it's been my primary stick for a few months now. I can only compare online specs, but they seem to be about the same, only the one.7 has more fiberglass. Durability has been fine; there is a little chipping on the bottom of the toe even though I tape over it regularly, but it hasn't affected performance or play at all. I wasn't sure how I'd like the "Tac Spiral" raised grip, but I don't notice it at all when playing, which I would identify as a positive. I don't worry much about weight, but balance is good enough and it plays fine. I have a 77 flex and it feels pretty true to that.

I typically play with tapered shafts (mako ii, eq50, dolomite) and haven't noticed any huge drop in performance. Obviously the shaft flexes at a slightly different point than those.


You mention that it has good specs for a "third tier stick," but price-wise, the one.8 is on par with most companies 2nd tier sticks at $199.

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Thanks for the info. You're right about the price-point. Didn't really think about that. Can you compare the puck-feel to some of the blade/brands you're currently using?

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