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Tips for tucking tongue behind (non-beefy) shin guard?

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This is a pic of 16 inch shins sitting on Axiom T10s. When I play inline, I just tuck the 16s behind the tongues, as the tongues offer enough protection from the inline puck.

When I do my inline to ice skate conversion, I will have 17 inch NXGs (not shown, they are sitting at a friend's house) sitting on Axiom T9s (en route).

Any tips on how to get more coverage around my ankles? I loved the fit of the NXGs when I tucked behind the tongue, and I did not consider how thin they are down low, when I ordered the 17s to protect me when I get into my Axiom T9 Ice hockey skate conversion. I am considering trimming the tongue of the T9s, so I can fit the tongue directly behind the plastic, and then have the liner itself right up on my skin. Any other ideas?

I am also considering a pair of RBK/Jofa 8K shins, but shipping expenses are going to be a bit much, and I really do not want/need 3 pairs of shin guards, considering my level and amount of play that I get into. Would the 8Ks provide alot of extra coverage down there at the ankle, or is the cut similar enough not to bother with them?


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I would say those shins look short, the 17s will give you more coverage, but when you play, your shins will naturally slide down, so if you keep playing with short pads, you will lose coverage on the tops of your knees...

The trick i like to do, is my warrior shins have both the outer hard plastic with padding, and then an additionally padding liner that velcros in, sort of like a flap. I like to tuck that flap behind the tongue of my skate, and then but the hard plastic layer over the tongue. Also, i wear rbk hockey socks with the tight bottom, so i tuck them around the outside of everything in the front, but only let them go around the ankle in the back, not the back of my skate.

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I would say those shins look short, the 17s will give you more coverage, but when you play, your shins will naturally slide down, so if you keep playing with short pads, you will lose coverage on the tops of your knees...

The trick i like to do, is my warrior shins have both the outer hard plastic with padding, and then an additionally padding liner that velcros in, sort of like a flap. I like to tuck that flap behind the tongue of my skate, and then but the hard plastic layer over the tongue. Also, i wear rbk hockey socks with the tight bottom, so i tuck them around the outside of everything in the front, but only let them go around the ankle in the back, not the back of my skate.

Yea these are too short to do the shin over the skate tongue, but are actually perfect when putting shin behind tongue.

And the "trick" you are talking about, is what I want to do, but the tongues are too wide to tuck into the bottom of the shin, in between the plastic and the liner of the shin. Thus, considering cutting the tongue down, but would rather avoid this if possible.

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And the "trick" you are talking about, is what I want to do, but the tongues are too wide to tuck into the bottom of the shin, in between the plastic and the liner of the shin. Thus, considering cutting the tongue down, but would rather avoid this if possible.

Most shins the liner and the shell are "stitched" (nylon thread through drilled holes), you might also open a few of the bottom stitches to widen the slot so it accommodates your skatetongue.

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