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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing LS2 with LS Edge Holders

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I wear an extra-wide skate and have found that I bottom-out easily when making tight turns due to the increased width in my forefoot area. I'm thinking of replacing my LS2 holders with LS Edge to gain the extra 3mm. I have a couple of questions for anyone that is kind and knowledgeable enough to answer.

1) Are the rivet holes the same between the LS2 and LS Edge holders? Will my LHS have to drill new holes?

2) Are there any potential drawbacks to replacing the original holder? I'm worried about the strength of the bond; wobble between the original and new holder.

3) Are the Lightspeed 3 Edge runners also taller? Or is the product description piggy-backing on the +3mm gain from the Edge holders?

Thank you in advance!

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Thanks Goonsquad! I've been considering Step Steel. However, if I can gain a permanent +3mm from LS Edge holders and +3mm from LS3 Edge runners, that'd be ideal.

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