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Ryan Murphy skate protector?

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Hello everyone,

Let me just preface that this is my first official post (although I'm a long time lurker), so if I screw this up, uh, yeah, be gentle.

Anyways, this is a topic that I've been monitoring for many months now, and have yet to find a satisfactory answer from anyone (local hockey shop, other online forums, guys in the locker room, etc...), but, what are the kinds of skate protectors that Ryan Murphy used last year at the WJC's and for a while in the NHL?


There have been a few posts and threads about this same topic, but nobody really seems to know what exactly this kind are, i.e. the fake flops. So just to reiterate the question: does anyone have an in with an equipment trainer or industry pro who knows what these are, and where one can acquire a pair (short or rigging one up oneself)?

Thanks, and I look forward to joining the community more actively.

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Looks like what Chris Pronger used to wear.


Not sure if there is a specific manufacturer...or if it is a creation of a pro trainer somewhere. I seem to recall someone comparing them to the toe cap on a Catchers leg guard. Not sure if they would hold up to a puck..or if these are a heavy gauge than that...but it's a place to start.

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I hate to speculate, but to me they look like the bottom portion of a baseball catcher's leg pads (also mentioned by RadioGaGa). It also looks to me as though it may be attached to the bottom of his shinpad and not to his skate, which would mean it's a customization.

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Looks like what Chris Pronger used to wear.

Not sure if there is a specific manufacturer...or if it is a creation of a pro trainer somewhere. I seem to recall someone comparing them to the toe cap on a Catchers leg guard. Not sure if they would hold up to a puck..or if these are a heavy gauge than that...but it's a place to start.

Yeah, I noticed a few guys wearing various iterations of this style of skate protector after Pronger. Among them are





Each one seems a little bit different than the other one, some seem to be made of a high density foam (murphy) or more of a felt tongue-like material (pronger et. al.). Very likely there's more than one craftsman at work here.

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No constructive input to add, but I've seen Seabrook skate and those things seem like their floppin' up and down alot, from what I remember. You'd think he'd want them tied down so they stay in place...

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Pretty sure my LHS has some variation of these made by Nash....

I took a gander at their catalogue (Nash's), and I saw a "Slash Guard" that seems to fit the description, although the illustration in the catalogue is a bit crude so it's difficult to tell exactly. What's the name of your LHS so that I can contact them and gather some info?

I'll also reach out to Nash to see if I can get some photos of this item.

Thanks for your help.

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OK, so I went through their smug mug site and found what might be the best angle. Theres not much to his add on, it looks far less substantial than prongers, which almost looked like a catcher's toe guard. I can't hotlink the image directly...


(Thanks J!)

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I took a gander at their catalogue (Nash's), and I saw a "Slash Guard" that seems to fit the description, although the illustration in the catalogue is a bit crude so it's difficult to tell exactly. What's the name of your LHS so that I can contact them and gather some info?

I'll also reach out to Nash to see if I can get some photos of this item.

Thanks for your help.

These look very interesting. I like the options they give. For the price its worth a shot.

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OK, so I went through their smug mug site and found what might be the best angle. Theres not much to his add on, it looks far less substantial than prongers, which almost looked like a catcher's toe guard. I can't hotlink the image directly...


(Thanks J!)

Darn licensing agreements. Probably why there's no company logo/name on the guards themselves.

Thanks. It definitely looks like some kinda rubber or dipped foam (ala taekwondo pads).

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I took a gander at their catalogue (Nash's), and I saw a "Slash Guard" that seems to fit the description, although the illustration in the catalogue is a bit crude so it's difficult to tell exactly. What's the name of your LHS so that I can contact them and gather some info?

I'll also reach out to Nash to see if I can get some photos of this item.

Thanks for your help.


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