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CCM RBZ 70 Skate holders?

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Some websites and shops list the CCM RBZ 70 skates with the E-Pro holder and others have them with the CCM Speed Blade +4.0 holder. So are they sold with different holders or is there a mistake. The links both show different runners.

RBZ 70 with e-pro http://www.totalhockey.com/product/RBZ_70_Ice_Skate/itm/12049-41/?mtx_id=0

RBZ 70 with speed blade 4 http://www.icewarehouse.com/descpage.html?pcode=CR7SS

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RBZ70 and lower have the Epro, 80 and up have the SB4. Websites are often wrong.

This is incorrect. Every pair of men's 70's that I have seen have the SB holder. I believe that the 70 and above in men's sizes have the SB holder, while the 80 and above in junior sizes have the SB holder.

I have checked stock in Pro Hockey Life, Sportchek and National Sports. Not sure if the US market is different, but I don't believe so.

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US market is different from Canada, but it is also possible they did a mid-yr change if they ran out of e-pros. The US CCM catalog shows 70's and below as e-pros.

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US market is different from Canada, but it is also possible they did a mid-yr change if they ran out of e-pros. The US CCM catalog shows 70's and below as e-pros.

Agreed that the catalogue and CCM website show the 70 as having e-pro holders, but I get the feeling that it was a last minute spec change. I would be curious to know if anybody has actually seen a pair of men's 70s at retail with e-pro holders? Perhaps all the e-pro stock went to Reebok production?

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2013 US catalogue has Senior and Junior with E-Pro. Here at our warehouse in the US, the Seniors have Speed Blades and the Juniors have E-Pros. Since the online pictures typically come from catalogues, that explains the confusion. Working on getting ours (TH) changed now.

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Agreed that the catalogue and CCM website show the 70 as having e-pro holders, but I get the feeling that it was a last minute spec change. I would be curious to know if anybody has actually seen a pair of men's 70s at retail with e-pro holders? Perhaps all the e-pro stock went to Reebok production?

The display model of the RBZ 70 at Pure Hockey in Neville Island, PA has the E-Pro holder. Noticed it last weekend.

Correction: It was the pro shop at the RMU sports complex, not Pure Hockey. Interestingly, Pure's display RBZ 70 had the SB holder (right down the road from RMU).

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ive seen on some they also have different liners so im not sure about it , also it could be sort of a personal prefference skate model ?

Seen it on RBZ 90's too but only with the liner and outsole

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