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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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White Tape vs Black Tape

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I've never seen friction tape in a store except for online stores. I've tried it a few times, I haven't seen enough improvement over cloth tape and wax to bother with it.

It's around. They had a bunch at one of the big chain stores we went to during WF or SJ last year. I don't remember which store, but I remember the Blademaster machine and the little skating rink.

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It's around. They had a bunch at one of the big chain stores we went to during WF or SJ last year. I don't remember which store, but I remember the Blademaster machine and the little skating rink.

Ah, okay. I only have Monkey and Giant near me and I don't think either of them have it. IceWarehouse online is where I always got mine in the past.

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I use white tape on the handle and black tape on the blade. The few times I used white tape on the blade I had a couple of issues.

1) I couldn't see where I was waxing the blade. If you use black tape, it's easier to see the wax (so you don't miss a spot).

2) Since I'm used to black tape, switching to white tape made it harder for me to see the blade and I had difficulty receiving passes. However, I'm sure that after a while my eyes would adjust to locating a white blade and that wouldn't be an issue anymore.

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