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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ribcore chipping?

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alright so ive had my rib-core for just under two months and i play once maybe twice a week occasionally and i see some major chipping in the blade. alright i do like to toe-drag a decent amount but thats about all the action my toe sees i don't go into boards with it maybe once or twice but thats it and i do double tape the toe just to help prevent this from happening. has anyone else had this prolbem?

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That has been a problem with Reeboks generally. I've had three 10ks and one 9k and all four have chipped at the toe. I've seen others with the 20K with the same issue.

I've been eyeing the 25k lately, and I was hoping they'd found a fix for that issue. Hopefully your situation isn't indicative of the series, but given the history...


When I say "chipped" I mean chipped to the point that the fibbers splay out all over the place and the shape of the toe becomes this soft mass.

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I have also had this issue with my RibCor that doesn't see much play time. I tape over my toe and haven't had any impact that would warrant this kind of chipping. Every time I untape my stick more and more composite comes with it.

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Same thing happened with my 11K and my 20K. Right on the toe. I started even folding tape over the toe, and then even taping all the way to the toe (then cutting). While it helped, it just delayed the chipping. Other than that though, the blades did seem to hold their rigidity very well.

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I noticed chipping almost right away too. Wasn't like it was 2 months down the road after heavy use. Barley used it for a week and noticed separation between the layers of the blade and chipping.

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I use Loctite Super Glue Ultra Gel Control to fill in chips and gouges in my blade. It has helped to stop the damage from getting larger. If I get too much super glue on it I just sand it down.

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