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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Current Supreme price drop?

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Can anyone tell me when the current supreme skates will go on sale?

I don't want to buy the one.9s if they are going on sale soon to make room for the new models.

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They go on sale the minute you tell the dealer those skates are dead stock in a few months and offer him a fair price. If the dealer has any brains, he will know you are right and realize he better get now what he can for them because in April they will be worth less than what he can get now for them. I tell customers to do this whenever they are in my shop looking for a skate in the last six months of the two year life cycle. Everybody knows new models are on the way. It is also why I never book skates in the second year of their life cycle.

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Can anyone tell me when the current supreme skates will go on sale?

I don't want to buy the one.9s if they are going on sale soon to make room for the new models.

You're probably waiting until the spring at the earliest...that is when the new Supreme and Nexus skates come out.

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