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DAtsyuks goal

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I remember seeing one on here, you probably searched though, it was a pretty nifty goal. NOt even that spetacular, he just made Turco look silly.

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Let's see, an NHL rink is 85 feet wide, I was in the third row a little in front of the goal line, so I figure I was about 100 feet from it when it happened.. A buddy of mine got that clip on his digital camera.. I'll see if I can't find somewhere to post it..

That was the one game I went to last season.. My team got killed, but almost all of the goals were scored at our end - including that one..

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Let's see, an NHL rink is 85 feet wide, I was in the third row a little in front of the goal line, so I figure I was about 100 feet from it when it happened.. A buddy of mine got that clip on his digital camera.. I'll see if I can't find somewhere to post it..

That was the one game I went to last season.. My team got killed, but almost all of the goals were scored at our end - including that one..

pm me, i can upload it.

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Here it is, the new one from EndBoards he took at the game, its great!: http://seanmccann.ca/datsyuk.avi

Forgive the quality.. Again - It was taken on my buddy's digital camera..

He started the video to catch the final seconds of the game. The idea was to pan up to the scoreboard and catch the final score as the seconds ticked off. Lucky for us, he caught one of the best goals of the season.. He was also lucky on an Yzerman goal in the 1st..

ABC ran a highlight of that goal during their all-star game broadcast. As Datsyuk peels away to our side of the ice, you can see my friend in the Wings' home/white jersey standing with his arms up in the air..

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