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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Portable skate sharpening machine

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I'm looking into buying a portable skate sharpening machine for to use for myself and my son, and some random times for kids I coach. I was looking into buying a blackstone x 01 or x02, but I am not sure what the major difference is to justify spending more for the x 02. Also, is there another machine someone could recommend that may be good, I was looking at the blademaster, but I am not sure. My son skates 4-5 times a week (he's 6) and I skate coaching him 3 times a week, with a random game here and there. I am interested in possibly converting my son to FBV sharpening at some point, which is why I was interested blackstone, but I was told it's better to do that when he's older and heavier. He's a good skater though. Any info would be a great help.

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I have an X01 and love it. I also have a 6 year old and coach, as well as play 1-2 times per week. You probably don't need the X02 unless you have the cash to burn. The X01 is great for personal use. Changing the spinners is very easy, not a big deal to convert from FBV to ROH spinners.

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You don't need the X02 for just the two of you. The upgraded motor really isn't worth the extra money in your case.

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You can produce an excellent sharpening on either machine. I find that faster heads are "easier" to produce a nice finish but they also make it easier to burn the steel if you are not careful.

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