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Do NHL teams or players get flu shots?

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Every season, there are multiple teams who lose a bunch of players at once to the flu for a few games. Does the CBA not allow teams to mandate flu shots? Even if that is the case, why wouldn't players get them on their own? It seems like such a simple fix to a recurring problem. I know flu shots don't protect against all strains of the flu, but you hear enough about teams where a quarter of the players are sick that it makes me think none of them are getting shots.

What's the deal? Did Jenny McCarthy get to them?

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I feel flu shots are an unnecessary risk. My family has a history of getting extremely ill from the vaccine, not exposure to the virus itself. Thus, I choose to take the risk and not get the flu shot.

On a side tangent, it's probably like wearing a visor/not wearing a visor to most of these guys.

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I get the feeling hockey flu may be a little different from the regular flu that knocks people out for a week. it seems players with the flu miss a game or two and then play and score the game winner while they are still getting over it. Not saying its a walk in the park, its still the flu, but either they are so much more healthy or the strain they get has a different affect. Ive been told the flu is like getting hit by a truck, maybe some of them are so used to getting hit by trucks in the game they just play it off :P

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In general when players are referred as having the "flu" it is usually not influenza. GI problems, etc... usually due to the crazy lifestyle of late nights/early mornings/travel schedule/time zones can wreak havoc on the body.

You also have to remember that they are exposed to so many physical and psychological stressors that their immune systems are overloaded

It's amazing what your body will do to shut itself down to cope.

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