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hockey movies

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Miracle, D1-D3, Slapshot, youngblood, Mystery Alaska, Rock'em Sock'em series, Instructional Videos, other highlight videos

You forgot SlapShot 2...or was that on purpose?

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Networth is pretty good and relevant because its about the formation of the players union.

The wings just put out a 4 disk set with their classic games on it or fan favorites I guess.

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What is youngblood? How old is it?

I believe it came out around 1986. Stars a very young Rob Lowe and Patrick Swayze (as well as the Keanu cameo.)

Basically a kid goes to a team, tries, out and makes it. Shows some of the post-game fun at bars. Bit of a love story mixed in too.

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Youngblood is awesome, look for cameo's by Steve Thomas, Peter Zezel and a little known actor named Keanu Reeves

What is youngblood? How old is it?

Filmed in the Hammer too. Up at Triple Rinks.

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Youngblood is awesome, look for cameo's by Steve Thomas, Peter Zezel and a little known actor named Keanu Reeves

What is youngblood? How old is it?

Filmed in the Hammer too. Up at Triple Rinks.

I always thought the crazy stick swinging fight with "Dr. Hook" McCraken (Ithink that was his name) was so silly, but with the way hockey has kinda gone to hell

in the last few years with all the over the top violence...it was ahead of it's time.


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how about, the rhino brothers. havent seen it yet, always meant to pick it up at the video store as i heard it was a fairly good canadian movie and it depicts what it takes to be a pro.

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Youngblood is awesome, look for cameo's by Steve Thomas, Peter Zezel and a little known actor named Keanu Reeves

What is youngblood? How old is it?

Filmed in the Hammer too. Up at Triple Rinks.

I always thought the crazy stick swinging fight with "Dr. Hook" McCraken (Ithink that was his name) was so silly, but with the way hockey has kinda gone to hell

in the last few years with all the over the top violence...it was ahead of it's time.


McCrackin is Slapshot, not sure the guy from Youngbloods name. It is kind've weird seeing how they preach "getting the stick out of his hands" though. Especially since Youngblood does it, then drops his. I don't understand old school fights. Apperantly its like no holds barred, but not for guys named Youngblood.

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The Goon in Youngblood is named Carl Racki. Also Former NHL player Eric Nesterenko plays Youngblood's dad.

The movie is about a teenaged american kid who is a very talented player, he goes up to Hamilton to tryout for the Mustangs and winds up in a fight with a goon who tries out, the coach picks Youngblood instead of the goon. Then the season starts, Youngblood falls in love and you'll have to watch the movie for the rest, I don't wanna ruin it for anyone how hasn't seen it. It's a pretty good movie if your a hockey fan

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I dont know if anyone has ever seen it before....It was a Disney movie, Its called Airborne. Its a sweet movie. Its a surfer who moved to Cincinnati Ohio to live with his COusin and he meets all these people that give hima hard time and theres some Ice hockey and Inline in the movie. I highly suggest it. But I dont think its on DVD just VHS if I remember correctly.

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I dont know if anyone has ever seen it before....It was a Disney movie, Its called Airborne. Its a sweet movie. Its a surfer who moved to Cincinnati Ohio to live with his COusin and he meets all these people that give hima  hard time and theres some Ice hockey and Inline in the movie. I highly suggest it. But I dont think its on DVD just VHS if I remember correctly.

Anyone who likes Jack Black should be familiar with that flick.

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