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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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In need of new skates

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I took a slap shot to the toe the other night that shattered one of my Nike Ignites and I'm in the market for new skates. Problem is, it has been so long since I've bought new skates that I'm not too sure what I need. The Ignites were solid. I had them forever obviously and didn't have to get new ones because for awhile I lived in places that don't have rinks nearby. I'm back in a town with a couple rinks about to jump into a men's league and need some skates, but there aren't many or any places here that sell skates for me to go try them on. I'm leaning toward going with Bauer because it's the same family and I have a ton of Bauer equipment and love it. What should I go for?

I played most of my life through high school, but haven't played a ton since. I run quite a bit and go with shoes with good ankle stability because I've had a tendency to turn it a bit lately. I usually play D, but play some forward too. I'm not a burner or agility guy. I have a long stride. I'm 6'1" 195 lbs.

I guess the best question is, what are the differences between the Supreme, Vapor and Nexus? Also, is there much of a difference in the newer models? I straight up don't have a ton of money to spend on new skates, so I can't go custom, but I will use them for a long time and there are some solid sales out there on some older Vapors and Supremes. Thanks!

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Is your entire skate shattered or just the holder? If it was just the holder, you can find Custom+ holders on eBay for cheap, and Lightspeed holders are coming down in price now that the LS Edge holder/blades are out.

Bauer lines are for different foot styles.

Stiffness and durability vary with different models in each line.

Nexus have the widest fit, Vapors the narrowest, Supremes in the middle.

"The Vapor skates have a tapered fit; standard fit in the toe box with a narrow V-fit in the heel and ankle.

The Bauer Supreme Skates have an anatomical fit; a natural, close fit around the entire foot.

Bauer Nexus skates also have the widest fit; a wide, volume fit from toe to heel as well as the deepest heel pocket."

Vapors fit the most like my old pre-Nike Bauer impacts. I found some X 7.0's (3 year old model--like the old X:60 or new X80) on super clearance for $149, down from ~$600. I've seen X 5.0's (similar to the X:40/X60) in the same cost range in a lot of places online.

What is your street shoe width?

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