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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fitting for Deep/Very Flat Feet (Custom N/A)

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Need help finding a skate that fits. Relevent info:

1) Used CCMs since I started played 21 years ago. Have most recently used 2008 CCM Vector U+ Pros, until they literally fell apart.

2) Prior to the past several years, Skate Fitting has not been an issue, probably because I was young/athletic enough to overcome poorly-fitting skates.

3) Feet are Flat as boards and "Deep" (from Bottom of Foot to Ankle), but not especially Wide. Have comfortably worn and skated very well in CCM 9D since College (although again, Athleticism may have helped overcome poor Skate Fit). Did not pass the "Pencil Test" on any of the 10 or so skates tried on recently.

4) Grew up playing pond hockey on softer/second-hand boots and do not like most of the latest ultra-stiff "Ski Boots". Have had major issues getting adequate Forward Flex and Lateral Movement/Edge Work in the last several pairs of skates I have tried.

5) Thought Boot Stiffness was the problem, but the problem seems to be that I was not getting proper "Foot Wrap" due to the thickness of my feet. Power and Acceleration has continually eroded despite maintainance of conditioning levels. Quite sure that Skate Fit is the major issue, not lack of conditioning.

6) Most recently tried 2012 CCM U+10s and Graf 535 Supras. My price range has been $200-$300, but I have become so frustrated that I am willing to expand my budget to find a skate that fits.

7) Willing to buy used/discontinued boots to get a proper fit, but would like to buy a new or unused boot that is currently in production. Would like to get multiple years of use out of a boot.

Given all of that information, I am considering the following skates:

Bauer Nexus 600/800 in EE (to ensure adequate Foot Wrap)

Graf G7

Graf 709

Easton Makos (will need to rob a bank, but at least they fit my foot properly)

CCM U+ Crazy Lights

If you have any helpful input, I would appreciate it. I've spent the last several days trying on skates, and need to have this issue settled before my next season starts on 1/5.



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If you can wait a while, Im sure the Makos will be on clearance at the big box stores soon. (Once Mako2s start coming out) and they usually have 15-20% off coupons for clearance so it should be in the 400 to 500 range at that point. Just a thought.

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