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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton V9 Intermediate 60 Flex stick question

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Do any of you guys that work in the shops know the correct stick length for an Easton V9 Intermediate 60 flex stick? Most of the information online says the stick should be 58", but the intermediate V9 60 flex my son and wife came home with was around 53"-54". The stick was not cut. Is this correct?

Anyway, was just curious, as it was nice that I didn't have to cut down the stick at all and he can maintain the true 60 flex. The other 60 flex sticks that I have purchased in the past have been cut down driving the flex rating up to 65-67 (per the markings on the stick).


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The 60 flex v9 and v9e in my lhs are also shorter than their 65 flex counterparts. It seems Easton is following what Warrior has done with their lower flex intermediate sticks by making them slightly shorter.

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Thanks for verifying guys, I really appreciate it.

Looks like Easton would promote that fact a little more! Seems like that would be good news for kids who are transitioning or have transitioned from junior to intermediate sticks!

Again, thank you! This forum is awesome!

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