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Best thigh exercises?

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skip rope..but do not use the ankles to jump..just the thighs....use the ankles to develop strength there and in the calves...this helps develop aerobic capacity too.

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Whatever you do, do not go heavy on a leg extension machine (you sit in a chair, legs bent 90 degrees at the knees, the extend legs to straight out). Those machines are the work of the Devil, according to a number of physical therapists. They will blow out your knees.

Do squats, sumo squats, dead lifts, lunges, hockey lunges, sideways step-ups on a box, one-legged body=weight squats. abductor/adductor machine.

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weighted step-ups with dumbbells, and the ultimate for hockey development, though not muscle building, is sprinting stairs or hills. It's easiest to do if you have a college stadium near you, since they're usually open for people to run at when not in use; Stanford istadium is 10 min away and hurts like f%cking hell...

Edit: you could also go old school byu going to the junkyard and picking up a tractor tire and taking it somewhere and flipping it over and over again, sprinting while dragging something attached to your waist, finding big rocks and repeatedly picking them up and throwing them, and about the coolest thing ever; pushing/pulling a car in neutral for a distance.

All the things in my edit section won't build as much muscle asa they will improve your plyometric strength and anaerobic endurance and make you an overall badass, but they're more fun for me than lifting weights much of the time...

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wall sits

Amen, I have been doing these very night and I feel my legs becoming stronger, I also wear leg weights around my house, that way my feet feel lighter so I can move faster on the rink. I am hoping these methods work because I have another practice tonight and am looking foward to see my improvement.

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wall sits

Amen, I have been doing these very night and I feel my legs becoming stronger, I also wear leg weights around my house, that way my feet feel lighter so I can move faster on the rink. I am hoping these methods work because I have another practice tonight and am looking foward to see my improvement.

Good work Briggy, every little exercise like that will improve you as a player.

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Yes, thighs are your quads. And dammit Theo, we just agreed for the second time ever, we need to stop this crap and get back to fighting like the good old days.

Yeah, lunges are good, but they are a bit more of a muscle builder than a pure speed enhancer, but adding to lower body mass is always great for hockey...

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I do heavy squats and lunges...

One thing I stumbled on last week while doing lunges on the Smith machine.

I was really getting into my workout, and decided to make things more difficult. Instead of doing most of the work with my front leg, I did most of it with the rear leg. The front was there for balance, and I used the rear leg to lift the weight by driving my back foot into the ground.

Usually, when you do lunges, most of the work is done with your front leg. Your back leg helps, but it does say 25% of the work, and the front does 75%.. By using my back leg to do the work, I got a TON of intensity out of it, and it felt a little like what your back leg does in the skating stride..

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biffs got it, you don't skate with your thighs, or do anything just with your thighs for that matter. stick to compound movements such as barbell squats and lunges, they utilize all the muscles of the lower torso in-unison, just like in skating. they're also the best way to bulk up as long as you eat healthy/alot.

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