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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cutting my warrior shaft?!?!

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I was looking at the warrior dynasty grip senior tapered shaft, it says it is 56 inches long with a +4" shaft length, does that mean that i can cut inches to get the advertised flex?

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no high end warrior products tend to come about 4" taller than most companies but once you cut it the flex will get stiffer. only sherwoods ops offer a "free flex" zone to my knowledge

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I believe Warrior sticks come in at 63'' for senior length. So if you got an 85 flex stick, and cut off 4 inches, you'd be left with a stick that's around a 100-105 flex. I get 75 flex in warrior then cut off around 3 inches or so myself.

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