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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any Lighter Steel for the NT3000 Cobras Runners on Graf

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I have been wondering if there is any lighter steel for the cobra runners on the graf skates. I have the NT3000 runner. I saw a set of blades that had these cross hatched look with some of the steel missing in the slots. Id like to know where I could get some of them as that must be the reason why they do this to lighten the blade. Or have they come out with any fusion steel. Im looking to trim weight of the skate a little as I have the old 705s Thanks for any input here really would help

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Yeah no I know about the boot but the steel definitely adds weight when full blades. I have steel that has been radiused down and its a good bit lighter and now im goin to 3/4 radius as opposed to 1/2 inch which will also help with glide etc. I love my grafs a little extra workout to wear these and its all good but Im always looking to trim a little. i skate much better in this type of skate that I do in the new stuff. Not enough flex in the new stuff and I have tried a lot of skates. I just love the feel of the 705. Firm firm firm yet flexes just when you need it and you can use your ankles to make moves verses this new stuff with stiff boots that dont allow for that kind of articulation

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